Partnership Covenant Agreement


TCTN exists to Treasure Christ Together.

Covenant Summary

In order to live our mission as “a theologically like-minded and gospel-formed family of churches joyfully serving pastors and their wives and supporting churches to start and (re)start Christ-treasuring churches.”, we partner together:

  • Missionally

  • Theologically

  • Relationally 

    • by Giving

    • by Participating

    • by Giving Back

Covenant Agreement

Whereas, our pastor has been approved by Treasuring Christ Together Network (TCTN), and whereas we, the governing elder board of our local church, desire partnership with TCTN, we, therefore, gladly express our commitment to these defining covenant affirmations:

Missional, Theological, and Relational Commitments

  • We joyfully embrace the TCTN aim, mission, gospel-formed culture, and church attributes.

  • We joyfully embrace the TCTN Affirmation of Faith and the Nashville Statement as expressions of our biblical and theological convictions.

  • We joyfully commit to serving pastors and their wives by forging TCT relationships for the goal of creating a culture of care.

  • We joyfully commit to supporting churches to start and (re)start Christ-treasuring churches.

As a TCT Network church

We will also commit to:


  • We will contribute from our general church budget:

    • No less than 1% (or $15,000 whichever is less) to TCTN’s Strategy Fund in order to support national TCTN activities such as training, conferences, ministry visits, ministry to planters and wives, staff, network development, global connections, and the annual pastors’ and wives’ retreat.

    • No less than an additional 9%, totaling 10% (a tithe). This is to help fund the local, regional, national and global work of evangelism and church planting via the relationship of your choice, with special priority given to TCTN church plants and TCTN church to church partnerships. (For example, this means, a church with a $200,000 annual budget is encouraged to donate no less than 9%, or $18,000, to evangelism and church planting work in general, whether inside or outside of TCTN giving, and contribute 1%, or $2,000, annually to TCTN’s Strategy Fund).


in all of the following ways:

  • Our lead pastor will commit to meaningfully connect with other TCTN pastors this year. (Ex. Regional gatherings, tracks, national calls, conferences, etc.)

  • At least one couple from your church will normally attend the annual TCTN National Pastors & Wives Retreat.

give back

in two or more of the following ways:

  • Assessments

    • Serve on TCTN assessment team to visit other existing church pastors or assess planting pastors

  • Member Care

    • Participate in a TCTN regional gathering

    • Start or lead a regional gathering of TCTN pastors 

    • Reach out to another TCTN pastor or pastor’s wife to encourage them

    • Pray for TCTN pastors and wives in your churches 

  • Resourcing

    • Create meaningful church to church partnerships fro planting or restarting churches together. 

    • Share resources which will benefit other TCTN churches

    • Contribute a blog post or commit to serve on the social media team

  • Recruitment

    • Aim to recruit, identify, and develop potential church planters and leaders for your church and TCTN.

    • Aim to recruit churches for TCTN participation. 

  • Leadership

    • Serve on a TCT component working group

    • Lead a TCTN regional gathering

  • Conferences

    • Host a TCTN Conference in your region

    • Lead a breakout session at a TCTN Conference

  • Coaching/Tracks

    • Lead a TCTN track

  • Fundraising

    • Host a TCTN fundraiser

Send an email to for more information on these. 

For All Members:

  • Our own local church elders will oversee this relationship with TCTN and retain authority over our church finances in the working out of this covenant.

  • We will notify our church congregation of our partnership in TCTN and if appropriate, seek church endorsement of this partnership. We will aim to communicate appropriate TCTN ministry updates to our churches on a regular basis.

  • Upon termination of this partnership with TCTN for any reason, we resolve to part company on the best possible terms, guided by biblical peacemaking principles and engaging in actions such as mediation and arbitration as needed to resolve differences, reconcile believers, and part on good terms, lest we bring reproach upon the name of Christ. 

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel....
— Philippians 1:3-5; ESV

By completing the electronic Partnership Covenant below, our church is partnering with the network and is joyfully affirming the above commitments.